Initial Chronos Application Name * First Name Last Name Phone * Country (###) ### #### Email * Current Job Title * Company * Annual Income * $100,000 - $250,000 $250,000 - $500,000 $500,000 - $1,000,000+ Dues election if you are accepted * Annual and Corporate dues are paid in full once approved. Monthly membership dues are paid the same day each month, commencing from the sign-up date. Individual Monthly ($150) Individual Annual ($1500) Corporate - 4 Members ($4,500) How did you hear about our club? * Referring Member Other By checking the box below, you acknowledge and affirm your interest in joining the United States Chapter of THE CHRONOS CLUB. * The CHRONOS Club is a private membership organization. If you are selected to be a member you shall adhere to the rules and guidelines of the CHRONOS Club. At no point in time are you being offered ownership position, solicitation, or partnership in any legal entity at any point in time. Our membership maintains the first right of refusal to launch or showcase goods and products at any CHRONOS Club events based on the Domestic chapter that member is a part of. All members maintain a first right of refusal to participate in SWAG bag items given out at CHRONOS Club events on a case-by-case basis, based upon the chapter they are a member of. No member at any point in time is required to participate in SWAG bag giveaways nor attend any specific event. All participation in give away items and event attendance is optional at each members discretion. All members must adhere to dress code policies and must pay their dues in full to maintain membership. At each event all members must have their individual custom key tag or digital key tag for entrance into the event, understanding that no exceptions are made. USA based members are not allowed to other chapter meetings unless approved or invited by a founding member. Agree to the terms Thank you for your interest in joining The Chronos Club.A team member will email you shortly with our decision.Warmest regards,The Founding Members of The Chronos Club